Monday, November 20, 2023

How To Check The Purity Of Rose Water?

Rose water is a beauty-enhancing elixir. It has multiple applications, including cosmetic and culinary uses. Numerous rosewater brands emerged in response to the increasing demand for the product. 

Rose water comes in a variety of bottle sizes and may be found in most grocery stores. The cost varies as well. Do you ever wonder if the rose water you're using is merely scented water or if it's the real thing? Some suggestions for telling real rose water from phony are provided below.

Check the label that tells you how it was made

Fresh rose petals are steam distilled to produce pure rose water. This is why there is never an overwhelming sweetness to the aroma. The scent in pure rose water is extremely delicate, yet you find the aroma of fresh roses, whereas the chemically made ones would have an overpowering smell. Only rose and distilled water should make up your list of ingredients.


Rose water always appears clear, or as others would put it, colorless. If rose water has pink or other color than some adulterants are added in the water. Kazima is a natural Rose water manufacturers in India that are free from adulterants.

Formation of Foam

If the rose water bottle foams up like soap when shaken, it's not the real thing. The production of a soapy foam indicates the presence of solubilizers acting as surfactants. If you shake a liquid hard enough, bubbles will occur.

The absence of irritating properties

The eyes will not be irritated by 100% pure rose water. Even if you spray it well above your head, it will still feel refreshing on your eyes. 

The rose, as a tridoshic flower, is said to have balancing effects on the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dos has, according to Ayurvedic scriptures. Similarly, the 'Sadhaka Pitta' that controls our emotions can be restored to harmony using rosewater.

We produce highly distilled rose water that is produced from fresh flowers. We don't use any other substances in our products. We produce only sustainable and organic products.

Not only this we are also the leading Attar Manufacturers in India. We produce only various types of natural and organic attars that are long lasting. 

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